Tests into Testimony – Trials INTO TRIUMPH Verses!

A lot of my friends including myself are going thru various tests and trials. Sharing some great verses of comfort and strength to help all of us! Bible Verses about Trials and Tests 1 Corinthians 10:12-13Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. No temptation has overtaken you except such asContinue reading “Tests into Testimony – Trials INTO TRIUMPH Verses!”

HAPPYRICH.TV – Challenge Accepted

Challenge Accepted: to do a blog mostly with just words like the Typewriter era. Finally! my own Domain and this is my first blog post for my new domain! Today I will be rushing to do a challenge 3 for VLOGSTAR TV. It somehow is connected to what is my branding. What is my USPContinue reading “HAPPYRICH.TV – Challenge Accepted”